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Specific learning difficulties are found in 10% of the population and can impact your daily living. 


They are recognised by the Equalities Act (2010).


They are a lifelong neuro-diversity that impacts the acquisition of language / numeracy and can affect processing skills and memory.


Dyslexia is widely known as predominantly difficulties with accurate and fluent word reading and spelling.


Dyspraxia can influence fine / gross motor skills and co-ordination.


Processing skills are an integral part of reading and writing. A deficiency in area such as processing speed, working memory or visual processing can impact progress in an academic setting.


ADD/ADHD can impact the ability to focus, concentrate and control movement. Screening is part of an assessment which may result in a referral as a diagnosis would be obtained from a GP. 


An SpLD can be supported in an academic setting by multi-sensory teaching, assistive technology and in some circumstances access arrangements for examinations.


Dyscalculia must now be assessed by a qualified assessor with a maths qualification (2019) to which I can refer you. 

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